Spark ⚡3: Spaciousness and why we need it
Having lived in NYC for the last 6 years I feel like I have a whole new context on space. It’s not that London is all green rolling hills but the grid system of NYC across its five boroughs has you constantly thinking in squares. ‘One block east and two blocks south will get you where you want to go’.
We have downsized since living here and now live in a two bedroom apartment. When all four members of my family are there, working, home-schooling, watching movies, cooking, talking - it all happens within the same four walls. So you know what the showpiece of this apartment is? The elevator… which takes you to… the ROOFTOP which gives you a huge view from the Brooklyn brownstones down to the river, over to the Statue of Liberty and across to the whole of Manhattan. It’s mind blowing and it never stops being that no matter how many times I ride the elevator up to the top floor.
I go there for space. I go there to see what is outside of the four walls of my apartment. I go to breathe in the semi-fresh air till it floods my lungs. I go there to give my body oxygen and my brain perspective.
I was in a hot yoga class today and the theme was spaciousness. I love that word. So much less assuming than ‘space’ which can have a bratty teenage attitude to it. Spaciousness rolls off the tongue with an onomatopoeic sparkle, just saying it requires some slowing down and thought. The beauty of the yoga practice was that in finding more space for your body, you had to slow down, to breathe deeper and to actively create more space. To stretch a little further, move an arm to allow for your heart to have more space, use a block to lengthen and grow…
This theme comes up a lot with clients and I always remind them that in order for a fire to burn it needs to have oxygen. Without enough air, it might flame, (beautifully too sometimes), but it will die out quicker than if you allow it to have more oxygen, more space, more energy. Sometimes, going slower is exactly what you need.
In a world, where we all feel such a need to react as quickly as possible, try to find where you can change the pace.
So my questions to reflect on today.. 💫
Where can you push the pause button?
What would allow you to take up more space?
What is one thing you want to go deeper on?
Hi, I’m Suzy, Founder of Firelit. I am a coach and mentor for actors, writers and creatives. I am passionate about sparking creativity, nurturing potential and giving all artists the confidence and courage to be powerful.
By signing up to the blog, you will receive bi-weekly reflections and thoughts that make up all the burning embers in my brain and hopefully they will spark something in you too.
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To learn more about my work and ways to partner up and explore and explode your creative genius, find me on my website and instagram.